Does Feminism Provide a Positive Direction for Society?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Feminism is a social movement that is committed to providing women with equal opportunities. As individuals within social institutions, men have dominated over women throughout history, and women have been subjected to sexism, hatred, and exploitation. In the past, the common view was that girls should be obedient to their fathers and women should be obedient to their husbands. For the most part, women did not have the education or social encouragement and standing to …

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…vision that recognizes that caring is as important as doing, that caring is doing, and that caregivers are the foundation of a humane society and must be treasured and honored. We must recognize that we must re-organize our social institutions - our family life, our schools, our places of work, and our communities - to enable all people to care for one another, and to enable all people to work and participate in public life.