"Does Darwin's Scientific Explanation of Humanity Give You Comfort or Cause you Concern? Why?"

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Darwin's theory is the greatest unanswered question in my life. On one hand, he takes a rational and intellectual approach toward explaining the origins of humanity by presenting scientific facts so elegantly simple and in accordance with so many of the day-to-day observations of modern genetics that indeed it does appear to be self evident, on the other hand, close examination of a whole raft of scientific data reveals the absence of virtually any empirical …

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…tells me that man is not descended from slime of sea. My logic accepts some parts of the Darwin theory as nature's fact, but my conscience tells me that there is a God. Let us not forget, however, that over time most of scientific theories have proven to be wrong, and that Darwin's theory is not an exception of that, so until there is stronger evidence to support Darwin's theory, I wont believe in it.