Do you believe adequate health care is a fundamental human right?

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
As the twenty-first century emerges, advanced cures and treatments unprecedentedly springing into medical clinics and homes. If it were not the case that the costs inherent with these satisfactory remedies make them inaccessible to common people who could benefit from them, no one would argue the deficiency in these advancements. It is definite that health care is a fundamental human right because, if people are created equally, why should certain people have to be treated …

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…because people could pay for themselves under the control of their individual private insurance companies, if they are able to afford it. Meanwhile, it is essential to show concern for those low-income or access-challenged citizens. There should be some organization or plans utilized to inform and educate those poor about timely financial support. It should be reinforced by the universality and sufficiency of top-quality healthy care to focus on every individual's health improvement and prevention.