Disinheriting rights of parents.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
DISINHERITING RIGHTS Children should be respectful and love their parents without thinking of what they will inherit if anything. Many people feel as though disinheriting their children is degrading and will cause dispute among siblings and show favoritism. Although, disinheriting may cause some problems or conflicts between parents and their children they have every right to make the decision. Children would not want someone else to make the decision of their assets. Parents give time …

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…than anyone. Children should speak with their parents and siblings and discuss what should be done , what goes to whom, and should definitely be in a will to save any controversy's or conflicts that could arouse from the death of a parent or mind loss. In the end, when all is said and done the parent has every right to make the decision and be willing to give a logical reason why in doing so. 2