Discuss how film Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh relates to film The Coat of Many Countries.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
Discuss how film Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh relates to film The Coat of Many Countries. In the film "The Coat of Many Countries" the relationship between the people of their countries and foreign investors seems to be positive. Overall, it had a good impact on the countries' industrial development and on their standard of living. In fact, the movie gives us an idea about the benefits of global economy for maker and buyer. On …

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…and that schools were separated by religion. The big victims of development were farmers because they had to compete with market forces beyond their control. It seemed like once there was a perfect place with happy people and it all changed due to westernised World. Ladakhi culture became a victim to development and industrialisation. As we can see from both examples of two movies some people benefit from development and industrialisation and others become victims.