Discuss educating and schooling acording John Tylor Gatto in his article "why schools don't educate" and what is the solution to this problem.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
Schooling was first created in Massachusetts in 1850 for gaining knowledge of social organizations and a commitment to civic morality. It served the purpose of providing the basic skills needed in order to succeed in life. Moreover, schools were created to provide each student with top quality education, flexibility, and the freedom to create their own schedules. However, in the article, "Why schools don't educate" John Taylor Gatto discusses that those purposes of schools are not …

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…children in today's world. Put talents and resources to work to spread knowledge, and children will surely be rewarded hundred fold. However, school is not the best place for children to get educated because it does not allow them more time, first hand experience, positive family relationships, and a natural way of learning. Home schooling, on the contrary, is better because children learn in a natural way, have more time, and have strong family bonds.