Differences between modern and traditional societies.

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Essay Database > History > World History
In "Characteristics of Traditional Societies", the writer describes eight characteristics of values and beliefs for traditional societies. The beliefs that they have are different than modern societies. Some are the exact opposite. It shows how different these societies are and why they behave in some ways. An example of the difference between modern society and traditional society is that traditional societies do not believe in progress. "What is missing is the idea that progress is …

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…is why divorce is more acceptable. Modern societies feel, that is you are not happy in a marriage then you should not worry about what happens to the family as long as you are satisfied. Also, modern societies feel that families can function still if they are divorced. There would only be a single parent raising the family instead of two. Excerpt from Readings in Global History by Anthony Snyder and Sherri West 2001 2nd edition