Descriptive essay on an over-seas experience.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
A World Outside of my own. It was an early, frigid, spring, Friday morning in April of 2000. Cincinnati is known for its unexpected weather patterns. Just the day before, it was warm and almost felt like summer. My mother, my father, and I were on our way to the airport, to visit Germany for Spring Break. This was my first time to leave the country, and I had anticipated this trip for the last two …

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…I could see it was a tall male figure. I did not think too much of it, but it turned out to be my uncle. I stopped, and he told me half gasping for air, and laughing, "You have passed the house about four times now, and you didn't see us waving at you?" I felt so embarrassed, but I just laughed it off. I just lost myself in a world outside of my own.