Description of the Scacre Coer

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
The Sacre Couer Countless cathedrals dot Paris, France's horizon. However, the Sacre Couer, also known as the Sacred Heart, looms high above them. Known to the natives as "the sculptured cloud," the impressive pale cathedral glows intensely under the burning sun. The thousands of stairs that stretch up to the doors of the cathedral feature an array of street performers and mobs of tourists. Rays of sunlight spotlight special performers. Mimes hidden in invisible boxes …

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…disturb the tranquility of the sacred place inside. Nuns' singing voices hum throughout the center chapel during the morning mass. Magnificent stained glass windows tower towards the ceiling. Mysterious candles, lit throughout the church, cast curious shadows on the floor. Flickering flames fly through the air, scorching those who venture too close. The Sacre Couer, with its myriad of people and images, seems to capture people with its beauty and mystery, both inside and out. .