Description of the American economy of the 1920's

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Economics
Darrell White English 101 January 26, 2003 What Goes Up must come Down We've all heard the phrase "What goes up must come down". This phrase also described the United States economy of the 1920's. The first World War made the U.S. a world power. While other countries were rebuilding the U.S. has overseas territories, plentiful resources, and began to lend money overseas s the American economy expanded. After the war ended, the economy dipped briefly. …

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…see the invention of the chain store. As I stated earlier What goes up must come down. This was true in the case of the economy in the 1920's. The stock market crash in late 1929 was the beginning of the end for this prosperous time. Many economists believe after the stock market crash there was a huge decrease in consumer spending which hurt the economy even more leading to the Great Depression of the 1930's.