Describe the structure of the Real Number System, defining each type of number which it comprises and making clear the relationship between them.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Mathematics
The first numbers that we are introduced to from an early age are 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. These are called the 'Natural numbers', and can be placed on a number line from 1 to infinity. The natural numbers, in order, are always 1 whole number larger or smaller than the next. When we add or subtract the natural numbers the answer is always a natural number. If we use subtraction or division however, we would without any other system, not …

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…thematics in the Primary School. London. David Fulton Publishers. Merttens, R. (ed.) (1997) Teaching Numeracy Maths in the Primary Classroom. Warwickshire. Scholastic. Suggate, J., Davis, A., and Goulding, M. (1998) Mathematical Knowledge for Primary Teachers. London. David Fulton Publishers. Bibliography Bird, P. (2000) Help your Child to Learn at Primary School. (2nd ed.). Plymouth. How To Books. Mooney, C., Ferrie, L., Fox, S., Hansen, A., and Wrathmell, R. (2000) Achieving QTS Primary Mathematics Knowledge and Understanding. Exeter. Learning Matters.