Describe Nasser's role in the creation of the PLO. How did he become a supporter of the Palestinian cause? Why did he arm and train the Palestinian Liberation Army (PLA)?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Nasser came in power in 1952. Soon after, in 1956 a treaty between Nasser and Britain ended the presence of British in Egypt. Nasser was then free to conduct his own foreign policy. The border with Israel was a serious issue. Nasser, beginning in 1955, spent millions on soviet military equipment. His defiant stance against the west and imperialism soon made him a hero in the Arab world. In 1956, he daringly nationalized the Suez canal, an act which …

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…Palestinian territory. Nasser's imprint on Egypt and Middle East of the 50's and 60's was as great as of any other leader of that time and he took the leading role against Israel on behalf of the Palestinians and also invented PLO. Yasser Arafat 's Fatah group soon emerged as the most important guerrilla organization and Shukairy stepped down in favour of Yasser Arafat in 1969, since then Yasser Arafat became the chairman of the PLO.