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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Dermalogica is the skin care tribe that leads the country, with powerful yet calming high quality plant derived ingredients that really do work on any skin type. Colour and fragrance free are just the beginning of the benefits. Choose Dermalogica for the health of your skin. The company was founded in Los Angeles in 1986 by Jane Wurwand, who also founded The International Dermal Institute, the post-graduate training facility for professional skin care therapists which now …

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…This is the younger and price concious market. Other companies such as clinique have advertised a large amount in fashion magazines offering discounts, vouchers and free gifts with purchase. Where as Dermalogica tends not to take this approach but relies on the skin care therapist to educate and promote for the organisation. This is clearly not enough as there is a large section of the market which the Dermal group is completely missing out of