Decision Making Module Analysis

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There are several decision-making models to choose from in any given situation. In my research I have come across several; the Responsible Decision-Making Model, the Ethical Decision-Making Model, the Democratic Decision-Making Model, and the Collective Decision-Making Model to name a few. Decision making pervades all other management functions and plays a key role in the creation of positive human relations. The performance of all management tasks, from organizing to controlling, requires that decisions be made. …

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…amp;gt;8847.2005.00099.x Volume 5 Issue 1 Ethics Module of the High School Human Genome Program <Tab/>(; 2) The Hastings Centerís high school module on <Tab/>bioethics, New Choices, New Responsibilities: Ethical Issues in the Life Sciences <Tab/>(Jennings, B., K. Nolan, C. Campbell, S. Donnelley, E. Parens, L. Turner, E. DeVaro, <Tab/>1997).