"Death of a Salesman" - The theme: Dreams

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > International
The play "Death of a Salesman" is a dramatic play about many dreams of one man named Willy Loman. Willy is a man who travels to sell merchandise in New England, although he wants to sell in New York. Willy has many dreams including owning a nice home, Biff being famous, reminiscing dreams, and following the American dream. Willy wants to be famous and rich, and if he can't do it he wants his sons …

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…middle of the sotre and outbox that goddam merchandise manager. I mean I can outbox, outrun, and outlife anybody in that store, and I have to take orders from those common, petty sons-of-bitches till I can't stand it anymore.(24)" Willy's dreams are crushed and at the end he is burying his dreams with his dream garden that never grew for him. Willy kills himself because he has no dreams left. They have all been shattered.