Death Of A Salesman - Character Analysis

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Essay Database > Literature
What was the reason for Willy's demise? Willy Loman, the main character in "Death of a Salesman," had many principles and beliefs that counteracted the "normal" views of society. He taught his kids, Happy and Biff, that to be successful, you don't need to be smart and get good grades in school. Willy believed that the key to success includes a standout personality, good looks, and not being just "liked," but "well-liked" by people. The …

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…run through Willy's mind. He sees that he has become a failure to his father just like Biff has become a failure to him. Willy shows that those around you can have affects on your success at work and in life. Willy was a self-absorbed individual who refused to see the influences others could have on his life and never considered the opinions of other. These mistakes eventually brought upon the death of the salesman.