Deals with the clash between the French and British (English) in the 1750s over the land in the Ohio Valley.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
As the English and French boundaries began to meet by the 1750s, great tensions were wrought between the two contending countries. While the French were mainly occupying North America for the possibilities it presented involving trade, the English were looking to colonize the continent and spread through its vast, welcoming expanses. With these two opposing interests, the English?s to clear land for settlements, and the French?s to reap the benefits of land until …

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…but eventually lost all their claims to the English, thus allowing settlers to push yet farther into the virgin lands of Middle North America. Works Cited ?Fort Necessity?Background of the Conflict.? March 11, 2002. <>. ?The French and Indian War.? 1995. <>. ?The French and Indian War, A Brief History.? <>.