Dead or Alive

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
A Brief History of Cloning (1880 to present) 1880 August Weissmann states genetic information of a cell diminishes with each cell division. 1902 Walter Sutton proves chromosomes hold genetic information. 1902 Hans Spemann divides a Salamander embryo in two and shows early embryo cells retain all the genetic information necessary to create a new organism. 1928 Hans Spemann performs first nuclear transfer experiment. 1938 German scientist Hans Spemann proposes a "fantastical experiment" to transfer one cell's nucleus into an egg without …

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…cloned early-stage human embryos. Geron Corporation, which received the patent, says is has no intention of creating cloned humans. March 2000 The group that created Dolly the sheep announces the first cloned pigs. Scientists hope that pigs could be genetically engineered for use in human organ transplants. January 2001 An endangered Asian ox called a gaur dies two days after birth of an ordinary disease after it was cloned and gestated in the womb of a cow.