Day of the Dogs- the reason behind the way dogs got their name

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
Day of the Dogs <Tab/>One spring morning, before man lost the ability to talk to animals, they asked a pug to collect water. At this time the pug looked like any normal dog and was happy to do the man's bidding. <Tab/>This day, the water of the great river was particularly high and the current was strong. The Pug wasn't a strong swimmer so only …

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…whilst getting himself soaked. When the poodle and pug finally reached the shore, they shook, but the poodles long wavy hair turned frizzy and rigid. This gave the poodle the appearance that we see today. <Tab/> By the end of the day 3 new species evolved from just normal average dogs. Over the years many new dogs will evolve from various accidents. This also shows that being different isn't shameful its character.