Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, a Burmese peace activist.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Daw Aun San Suu Kyi (nicknamed Dassk) was and is one of the most enigmatic and giving people of all time. She has devoted her entire life to bringing democracy to Burma through peaceful protests and, unfortunately, being jailed under house arrest for a seemingly unlimited number of years. Born in Rangoon, Burma, on June 19, 1949, she was raised in a well to do family. Her father, General Aung San, was a military leader. Her mother …

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…giving priority to national unity, peace and stability of the country as well as the region" (Letters from Burma). Burma has finally come closer, and maybe even found, ways to sustain a non-oppressive government without losing control. Dassk is truly one of the greatest peace activists of our time, and she still lives today. Her undying will to free Burma simply goes to show that through peaceful protest even changing a murderous regime is possible.