Darwinism and social evolution.

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Essay Database > History > World History
Darwin's Theory of Evolution The Evolution of Racism: human differences and the uses and abuses of science by Pat Shipman. Simon & Schuster. 1994, 318. This book examines the evolution of a theory (Darwin's evolutionary theory). Darwin's theory had not only been used as a product to open the mind to a more scientific outlook, but it had also been used as a weapon to support Nazis and the idea of genetic, social capabilities. Pat Shipman had …

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…to reach the level of the other group's skill, why? Because they are focusing on that one particular skill, therefore in fact, they are focusing the same amount of effort, making them equal in the sense of the effort put forth. The conclusion: man is far from ready to grasp such an in depth theory as Darwin's, without misuse. The original theory was harmless until the incorporation of intelligent superiority  the very cornerstone of racism.