Dark Side of Fairytales

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Dark Side of Fairytales 'Once upon a time, there lived a pretty princess...' Does this sound familiar? This is how a fairytale usually starts. Fairytales are classified as an educational reading for little children. However, some fairytales consist of contents that are unsuitable for children and should be altered immediately. First of all, some fairytales allude that murdering is acceptable. In addition, some fairytales unknowingly suggest thievery as an agreeable deed. Moreover, there are …

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…of four months and four years," said Dr. Sharkin, a successful doctor who is currently studying children's behavior. During this time period, children are strongly encouraged to read and analyze fairytales Thus the society can be determined by the contents in fairytales. Taking negative aspects of fairytales, such as: murder, thievery, cannibalism and suicidal behaviors into consideration, now would be a suitable time to change the contents of fairytales to be more appropriate for children.