DNA issues involved with researching by forensic scientists.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Law Issues
As Technology advances the world is burdened by an increase in technological crimes. Comparisons can be drawn from these new age crimes with the same old crimes from before. Just being committed in different ways. New crimes being committed - scientists have produced new technology that increases the possibility to find the offender. DNA is a nucleic acid capable of replicating and determining the inheritance of a cell's proteins. In criminal scene samples of blood, …

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…hair follicle can find these offenders. In present a database containing all the convicted offenders DNA samples is being used by crime scene investigators to match DNA found in crime scenes. To build up a database to contain everyone's DNA would cost a lot of money initially but in the future would reduce the chance of not being able to match the DNA found at a crime scene with a DNA sample on the database.