D.W. Winnicott's theory of stability

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
D.W. Winnicott synthesized pediatrics and psychiatry to create his own way of treating disturbed children. "He did not hesitate to mix standard analytic method with other procedures that met the needs of specially primitive patients. In a very unanalytical way, he sometimes intervened directly into the patients daily life. He aimed to provide more stability and security for those who functioned especially precariously or who exhibited the special needs of people with primitively organized …

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…interesting and complicated idea that all psychologists wrestle with. Each person's personality is so widely different, to try to encompass it in a theory seems to be very difficult. Personality theories are just one person's opinion on a psychological phenomena. The theories are also based on that person's experiences, which may cause bias. In the end it is up to every individual to decide for themselves whether it suits their system of beliefs and experiences.