Cycling in Ireland- Does Irish society support it, and will it do so in the future?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Transportation
This past July I took my Chinese girlfriend, who had never having visited Europe before, to the best it could offer- Ireland. It did not disappoint. The scenery, the incredibly friendly people who would simply come up to us on the street and talk for ten minutes before wishing us the best on our travels, the craic and the culture still have us glowing. However, I must point out one thing that I wish the …

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…shameful thing. If Ireland wasn't made for cycling, which country was? Instead the state spends all its money on Millennium spires which is spoken of as a success for appealing to none of the country's heritage, history or culture and yet more motorways and golf courses. What a message we can bring back to Beijing where 1400 new cars pollute the city per diem and the last remaining land that can support agriculture supports concrete instead.