Cybertron's Great Disgrace

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Engineering
If I ever have any grand-children and they ask me what I used to watch on Saturday Mornings as a kid and young man I will NOT tell them about BEAST MACHINES. That is if I choose to have children to bring the little offspring into the world. What Hasbro and Bob Skir single handedly did (But mostly Hasbro) was to get us thinking about Transformers as Eco-Warriors akin to Captain Planet and The Planeteers …

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…the show with the enthusiasm I had in the past. My love affair with The TFs was killed the day when Kenner who at the time were merged with Hasbro tried to reinvent Transformers as a toy franchise. I know that they and Hasbro have to do business like everybody else but this was just intolerable and I pity them for the poor choices they have made in the name of a buck. The End