Cybertechnology: will it lead to a more equal society?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Internet
Despite many claims that the internet will lead to Utopia - to equality and democracy for us all, for many people in society this hasn't been born out by reality. Women's access to computers and the Net may have increased dramatically over the last five years but due to many factors the internet is still predominantly a male domain. According to some the internet gives us the opportunity to completely restructure the world and the …

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…internet. Maybe it's simply because they can't afford to. As 'more and more of the world's business - along with education and consumerism' (Spender, page 201), moves on-line women will have to move on-line with it. 'This is why women have to insist on the right to make up at least half the rules in their own interest. It is why they have to demand the right to a more hospitable and respectful environment' (Spender, page 210)