Cyber Terrorism

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
In today's society, people are always trying to improve technology, but in doing so, are they creating something that can be used to create mass destruction for the United States? Everyday computers get faster, new programs are written, or some computer programmer might find a faster and more efficient way to complete a job or task. For most people, they welcome the advancement of science to ease their lives, but it is known that technology …

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…Information Warfare. New York: McGraw Hill, 2001. Judson, Karen. Computer Crime. Hillside: Judson, 1994. Knittel, John, and Michael Soto. The Dangers of Computer Hacking. New York: Rosen Publishing Group, Inc, 2000. Schwartau, Winn. Cyber Shock. New York: Thunder Mouth's Press, 2000. Thomas, Douglas, and Brian D. Loader. Cyber Crime. New York: Routledge, 2000. Vatis, Michael A. "Cyber Attacks During the War on Terrorism: A Predictive Analysis." Institute for Security Technology Studies 22 Sept. 2001. 23 Apr. 2002 <>.