Culture and Environment in The Fiji Islands.

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The Fiji Islands, officially the Republic of Fiji Islands, is an independent island nation in the southern Pacific Ocean, located approximately 1,900 miles northeast of Sydney, Australia, and approximately 3,100 miles southwest of Honolulu, Hawaii at 16-20˚ S latitude and 178˚E - 178˚W longitude. Fiji is often referred to as the hub of the Pacific. This hospitable land contains more than 300 islands, lagoons, lush forests, and beautiful mountains. Fiji has a very complex geological history. Based on …

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…per year and the west gets an average rainfall of 70 inches per year, rhus making for a sharp contrast in both climatic conditions and agriculture between east and west. The biomes in Fiji are Tropical and SubTropical Moist Broadleaf Forests. The different types of vegetation found in these biomes are lowland rain forests, cloud forests, broadleaved dry forests, mangrove forests, coastal forests, upland rain forests, mixed dry forests, freshwater wetland vegetation, shrubs, and talasiqa vegetation.