Crysler Corporation History

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
It would be true to say that Chrysler Corporation was born long ago before the year 1925 (when it was officially established). It was started as a result of Walter P. Chrysler's efforts to create a car that would be affordable and competitive in the market. The first car would incorporate four-wheel hydraulic brakes and a high-compression six-cylinder engine. In 1924, New York for the first time saw a car that became the ancestor of all generations …

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…price lost 1/3 of its value. Another reason why the stock price slumps is that estimated earnings did not match actual ones. As a December 1999, difference in estimated and actual earning was ($0.64). <Tab/>One of the positive aspects of the merger is intensified competition in the auto-production industry. The new company is far from monopolist size in this very giant market. General Motors and Ford Corporation are still main competitors of DaimlerChrysler.