Cross Culture (MASS MEDIA).

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
CROSS CULTURE (MASS MEDIA) Introduction In any daily routine life, people do tend to keep themselves busy all the time by reading newspaper, watch television, listening to the radio and reading other print media production. But in the other hand, imagine your life without all this kind of media, life would be bored and dull, and that goes to the olden times whereby advanced technology weren't existed. Later then, our world continues to change rapidly …

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…advanced transportation and mostly the mass media. I have covered up a little about the pros and cons of effects on media. Basically, in the year 2000 world of millennium , several things has changed in advanced such as the technological devices which is used in media field and etc. Bibliography 1.James Wilson & Stan Roy Wilson text book ( Mass Media, Mass Culture ) 2.Edward Jay Whetmore ( Media America , Media World ) 3.Marieke De Mooji ( Global marketing and Advertising )