"Critically analyse one theory to explain the global political economy" I examined the Dependency Theory.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
ABSTRACT There are no universal truths in political theory. This essay is about Dependency Theory and its use to explain the global political economy. Dependency Theory is a political interpretation of the way economic systems impact on the Less Economically Developed Countries. . As a theory it is an activist for change but also a means of understanding the world order and it is for these reasons I chose it above other theories I examined. I …

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…theory is the advice that the developed World countries gave to the Third World Countries to emulate them. By going through the exact steps that the developed world can gone through (i.e. industrial revolution) the end result would be achieving economic, political, social and cultural modernisation. 13 Idea expressed in book ?No Logo? by Naomi Klein and backed up statistics in Appendix of her book- Table 9.3 Sweatshop Profiles. 14 Suggested by James Tobin, an American economist