Corporate downsizing

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Pages: 9
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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Organizations in every segment of business, industry, government, and education are downsizing. Downsizing is and has been a controversial phenomenon in the last few years. The controversy that surrounds downsizing may be better described as a debate in organizational theory about whether change is adaptive or disruptive. The issues which establish the outcome of the controversy include why the downsizing is taking affect, how it is implemented, and what steps are taken to enhance its …

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…American business to be adaptive, complete and thorough plans should be carried out in the process of downsizing in order for the company and employee alike to accept new ideas and focus on the new direction brought about by the change. Survivors of the downsize process must have confidence in the company's honesty and its ability to secure their jobs. They must outline a strategic plan to keep morale and productivity on an upward trend.