Controversial role models.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
CONTROVERSIAL YOUTH ROLE MODELS Controversial role models are a negative influence on youth today. Role models such as Necro, Big L and Eminem speak of violence, drugs and they use profane language in their music. Many teenagers look up to these people and want be like them. Artists in positions of power must take their jobs seriously because they are incredibly influential. Their art should not depict so much negative and violent behavior. One of …

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…kill people, drink and then jump behind the wheel. All of these artists are very negative role models. All three that speak of violence, drugs and they use profane language. There are a lot of artists that offer a positive influence to youth. Necro, Big L, and Eminem only teach youth that violence, drug abuse and racism are acceptable. They should not be permitted to abuse their status in media in such a negative way.