Contents of different liquors

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
The Flavor of the Malt INTRODUCTION: All spirits have a given percentage of the primary ingredients, water and ethanol. The differences between cheap and expensive liquors, therefore, arise in the unique flavors and aromas particular to different types and brands. These unique flavors are the result of trace amounts of "impurities" in the liquor. Sometimes producers intentionally add characteristic "impurities" to "tag" their product. In other cases, these adulterations have been added coincidently with the …

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…the standards. Uncomfortable with this data this approach proved far more complicating than facilitating and was thus abandoned Appropriately, running the standard compounds individually has produced individual peaks with characteristic retention times. The nine organic compounds were run and all standard RTs then compared with those of the component RTs of the liquors to be tested. REFERENCES:  Rice, Gary W., J Chem. Ed. , 1987, 64, 1055-1056. 