Conflict in Successful Drama: "The One Day of the Year" by Alan Seymour.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
We live in a world where, without conflict, there is no entertainment. It is a convention of drama that there must be conflict between characters in order for it to be entertaining, and thus be successful. We can consider a text to be successful if the playwright is able to convey a view of a theme or issue to the audience that challenges our views as he or she originally intended. Through the conflicting views …

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…opinions, there is one character who will challenge it; Alf is strongly for the meaning of Anzac Day, Hughie is strongly against it, and Dot is the non-committal mediator. If the definition of a successful drama is that the playwright challenges our point of view, well then The One Day of the Year is clearly an example of a successful drama, regardless of whether you, "don't wanna avea cuppa tea," or you're a "bloody Australian".