Competitive Online Gaming Community.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
Competitive Online Gaming Community The competitive online gaming community consists of players who play personal computer (PC) video games online to compete with each other. This community is formed by PC video games and the competition aspect of these games creates online friendships. LAN parties bring the community together which affect the identities of the competitive video gamers. This world-wide community is really huge and is divided into sub communities for each PC video game …

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…the fact that the community is world-wide. Gamers from all continents are apart of this community. What makes it so unique is that it's not like any other community at all. This community has been created online through PC video games and it's brought together into a real life community through LAN parties. This community is constantly growing at a rapid pace and I feel that it is a very special community for our society.