Comparison of "Recalling War" by Robert Graves and "Mental Case" by Wilfred Owen.

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Although the poems Recalling War by Robert Graves and Mental Cases by Wilfred Owen are both concerned with the damage that war does to the soldiers involved, they are different in almost every other respect. Owen's poem examines the physical and mental effects of war in a very personal and direct way - his voice is very much in evidence in this poem - he has clearly seen people like the 'mental cases' who are …

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…xpress and communicate the damage in such a way that the reader is not only shocked, but greatly moved. The poem has its intensity because Owen was writing it while in direct contact with the 'mental cases' whereas Graves is more distant as well as describing the memories of war. A poem which describes an inability to remember is far less disturbing than a poem which describes not being able to forget. Word Count: 3513