Comparison Of Two Horror movies: The Exorcist and The Shining

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
The two film posters I am studying are "The Exorcist" and "The Shining" both of which are part of the Horror genre. In both posters many visual and written codes are being used. Firstly in The Exorcist poster the visual codes used includes the dark silhouetted house with the bright angelic light shining down on the man a very typical horror film set up with symbols of good (the light shining down on the man) …

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…Shining has less conventions but it still has some. Firstly the screaming woman that is a regular occurrence in a horror film and also the crazy and disturbing character that is trying to kill her which is also conventional. There is also a lot of white in the poster, this could possibly be associated with the colours that are known to be in asylums which symbolises the mental instability of the character in this film.