Comparing the Maldives to Australia. size, government, culture, food, etc.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
The Maldives and Australia are two countries that differ greatly from one another. The geographical, cultural, historical and economic features of these two countries are mostly different, however containing some generic similarities that one would expect from two settled countries. The size of the Maldives and Australia vary greatly. The area of the Maldives is a tiny 300 square kilometres, whereas Australia is a much bigger 7 686 850 square kilometres. The Australian coastline is 25 760 kilometres long, easily outstretching …

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…products. Australia's gross domestic product per capita is $24 000. The Maldives gross domestic product per capita is $3870. The Maldives and Australia have many differences in their geographical forms, political systems, economies and their cultures. These factors contribute to make them both completely diverse and fascinating countries. When it comes down to two countries, nothing about them can be all exactly similar. If this were the case, then all the counties of the world would be boring.