Comparing society today with that of the world in George Orwell's "1984"

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John David Frodsham (1985) points out that to study George Orwell's 1984 is to note: "1984 will always remain as a menacing possibility" (p. 139). George Orwell, in his futuristic novel, 1984, incites the imagination of the reader to compare society today with that of the world in the novel. The totalitarian society depicted by Orwell did not achieve its power and authority only through violence, real or threatened, but through the isolation of every Oceania citizen and the incitation …

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…New Barbarians: Totalitarianism, <Tab/>Terror and the Left Intelligentsia in Orwell's 1984. <Tab/>International Journal of World Peace, Vol. II. Winter, <Tab/>1985. Orwell, George. 1984. New York: Signet, 1961. Tirohl, Blu. 'We are the Dead...You are the Dead. An examination <Tab/>of sexuality as a weapon of revolt in Orwell's nineteen <Tab/>Eighty-Four. Journal of Gender Studies. 9, 1: 2000.