Comparing paintings of picasso, Titian, and Manet.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Titian, Manet, and Picasso Art aspires to certain idealisms within each time period whether it is imposed upon them by an emperor, pharaoh, king, or pope, or self-imposed by the artists themselves. This may be especially true of these painters, Tiziano Vecelli(Titian) a great Venetian artist of the Renaissance, Edouard Manet, the Parisian who abandoned traditional painting techniques, and the Spanish born Pablo Picasso, one of the originators of the Cubism, all with their …

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…picture's surface didn't go over with society. I believe that Titian painted what he knew because he was secure with his position and not anxious to change his status or that of his painting. He was not open to anything else. Manet and Picasso were very much aware of their changing surroundings and were searching and experimenting with anything and everything. They were looking for change, for a new look, a new form of art.