Comparing William Haigs Article to Black Adders 'GoodByeee'

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War, mans way of solving problems. Its quite ironic really as presidents, prime ministers, and leaders or countries teach their children that fighting/killing is wrong and to talk instead of fight to solve problems or disagreementsbut when it comes down to it this is exactly what they do when they don't see eye to eye with another country. I will be limiting my study to two different pieces both illustrating world war 1, this will …

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…live the life I do. I do not feel proud to be British at all, I think its disgraceful what the men had to go through in the trenches away from their family's, fighting for a country that was willing to sacrifice innocent boys and men into wild fire. I feel that no matter how you dress it up, at the end of the day, war is war and people die everyday because of it.