Comparing Mesopotamia and Egypt

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
Mesopotamia, which means "the land between the two rivers", was exactly that; an area of land between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers. Many civilizations were created and destroyed on this land because of its lack of natural boundaries, leaving it quite vulnerable to attack. Egypt, protected by natural barriers on all sides, remained uninfluenced for many years. Not many other civilizations came in contact with the Egyptian people. Thus, they developed much differently politically …

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…much change and instability. They had no true identity because of the many new influences. They were constantly worried about their security and the world, to them, was not a peaceful place. However, their experiences prepared them for the them for survival in the future, while Egypt's failure to adjust to a new situation lead to their demise. Mesopotamian views can still be found today and Egyptian views disappeared along with their "superiority" in Egypt.