Compare the structure and Function o the cnidocyte in Cnidarians to the colloblast in the Ctenophores.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
<Tab/>The two phyla Cnidaria and Ctentophora makeup the radiate animals. Most radiates have tentacles or oral extensible projections around the oral end that are armed with cells that may function in defense and capture prey. The cells found within the tentacles are structurally and functionally unique to each phylum, such as the cindocytes in Cnidarians and colloblasts in Ctenophores. <Tab/>Cnidarians capture prey with special stinging …

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…the exception of Haeckelia rubra. They are supplied with adhesive cells called colloblasts. The colloblast produce a secretion of use in capturing small animals, which serve as food. They do not function to inject toxins into prey. Cnidarians possess nematocysts that are abundant in tentacles. These function to either entangle, sting, or adhere to prey. However, in the Ctenophores the tentacles possess colloblast. Colloblast are structurally different to nematocyst. They function to adhere to prey.