Compare and contrast the concepts of hostility, love and the source of power (God in the Song of Roland and magic in the Tempest) in the books of "Song of Roland" and "Tempest".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In this essay I am going to compare and contrast the concepts of hostility, love and the source of power (God in the Song of Roland and magic in the Tempest) in the books of "Song of Roland" and "Tempest". "Song of Roland" is a book of war between two religions: Christianity and Islam. The hostility comes from different religions. Christians are Franks and Saracens are Muslim. Christians see Muslims as evil and enemy because …

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…mostly in the death of Roland and love of Aude for him. Note: In my next draft, I am going to complete the comparison. I will talk about the relationship between Miranda and Ferdinand. The magic, which comes into this love. The feeling of love in Song of Roland is not very strong except the death of Aude. In Tempest everything is happened by magic but in Song of Roland, everything is done by God.