Comparative Paper of Adrienne Rich's "Living in Sin" and Philip Larkin's "Home is Sad". These are two American modern poets.

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Final Exam: A Comparative Paper Adrienne Rich's "Living in Sin" seems very similar to "Home Is So Sad" by Philip Larkin during the first reading, but after a closer look, many differences become evident. In both poems the dramatic situation is set in a home, either a house or an apartment, but the idea each poem conveys is still somewhat different. Also, the poems differ in their form. In Larkin's "Home Is So Sad" the …

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…the rhyming lines are not evident during the first reading) and contains a number of caesuras. Rich, on the other hand, writes her poem in one stanza of twenty-six lines. It has no regular rhyme scheme and also has few true breaks in verse. Overall, both poems convey a similar gray, sad feeling that leaves the reader melancholy and reflective. They also both use visual imagery that helps the reader really understand the author's intent.