Comparasion and contrast paper on conventional and organic food products

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
While conventional food products are still dominating American market, the phrase "healthy eating" is gradually gaining popularity. To supplement this new trendy belief, a wave of organic products is sweeping across this nation's grocery stores. But do people really realize the differences between conventional and organic products as they mound their shopping carts? Do they know that the main differences between the two categories of foods actually lie in their processing procedures, advertising strategies, and …

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…the customers. Even though organic foods differ from conventional foods in many aspects, study shows that there are no substantial differences between their taste and safety. Buying an organic product is more of an act of protecting the environment than promoting one's own health. If consumers' budget allows, they should buy more organic products, because it is a simple way of giving back to the Mother Nature, and help to preserve biological stability on earth.