Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx, and overview. Thats basially what this essay is about...enjoy.

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Essay Database > History > European History
Communist Manifesto Karl Marx, a German philosopher was not only an economist but also a great sociologist. When Marx moved to Paris in 1843 he met Friedrich Engel. There they worked on several books together. Marx and Engel's are best known for their pieces on communism. G.W.F. Hegel's theory presents history as a process in which the world becomes conscious of itself as spirit. Marx took Hegel's theory and furthered it, saying that as …

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…unavoidable, and implies that capitalism is inherently unstable. The communists intended to encourage this revolution of the working class, and will support the parties and associations that are moving history towards Marx's idea of its natural conclusion. The Manifesto argues that the elimination of social classes through the destruction of private property cannot be accomplished through reforms or changes in the current government. Instead, a revolution and a new form of government will be required.