Communication essay: audience participation.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Siobhain Bowen Sociology Essay Communications Given the time spent by audiences consuming the media, it is hardly surprising that much speculation and debate has focused on the exact nature of the relationship between audiences and media output. It is possible to identify distinct phases of audience analysis. What makes these phases distinct is the degree to which the balance of power and influence is attributed to the media, in terms of production and content, or …

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…existing power structures and these exclusionary and ineglitarian practices. Nevertheless, it seems clear that as an agent of direct social and political influence, the medias power is quite modest. Persuading consumers which brand of jeans or breakfast cereal to buy is a plausible objective, but advertising, which attempts to alter more deep rooted and complex forms of behaviour, such as drug taking or sexual relationships has been founded to have minimal impact. (Sullivan, Dutton, Payne: 1994)